4️⃣NFT Minting

Foggie Mobile currently supports NFT deployment and minting exclusively on the Polygon network. Prioritizing wallet and network setup is essential.

⓵ Get MetaMask Wallet ready and add the Polygon Network: tap "Add Network" and select " Polygon Mainnet" to add.

Deploy Contract: Enter dapp.fogworks.io in the Metamask built-in browser to access the contract deployment page. Click on "Mint New," and choose to upload new files or select files from a previously created bucket for contract deployment.

Select the file you want to deploy and then click the "..." button next to it. In the menu that appears, click on the "NFT" option to initiate the contract deployment process.

To improve minting efficiency and success rates, opt for a higher gas fee "Aggressive Gas" strategy. Navigate to "Gas" to adjust your settings.

Choose the "Aggressive" Gas mode, confirm your settings, and await the completion of the on-chain interaction to finalize the deployment.

⓷Check your NFT on Opensea: Completing a wallet sign-in on https://opensea.io via Metamask allows you to view the list of minted NFTs. Simply navigate to your profile, click on "More," and then select "Hidden" to access your list of minted NFTs.

Last updated